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How do I Prepare for Tax Season?
Financial Advice

How do I Prepare for Tax Season?

The first step in prepping for tax season is to gather all the necessary documents. Depending on your personal circumstances, these can include the following.
Best Times to Buy Homes
Financial Advice

Best Times to Buy Homes

Your home will probably be the most expensive item you’ll ever buy. That’s why it’s of utmost importance that you time your purchase right and learn the best time of year to buy a home.
Practical Budgeting Made Easy
Financial Advice

Practical Budgeting Made Easy

With the right tools and information, building a budget can be quick and easy. Here’s how to create a simple and practical budget for the time-strapped consumer.
Beware Mortgage Closing Scams
Financial Advice

Beware Mortgage Closing Scams

Closing on a home is an exciting and often stressful time. There’s so much to do, and emotions are running high. Unfortunately, one slip-up opens a door for scammers to destroy it all.
Don’t Get Caught in an Emergency Scam
Financial Advice

Don’t Get Caught in an Emergency Scam

Your grandson’s calling – and he’s in bigtime trouble! He’s been kidnapped and being held for ransom, so he needs you to wire over money ASAP. Before you wire over anything, stop! You’re probably being scammed.
Practical budgeting blog hero
Money Management

Practical Budgeting Made Easy

With the right tools and information, building a budget can be quick and easy. Here’s how to create a simple and practical budget for the time-strapped consumer.
Meet Karen
Employee Spotlights

Meet Karen

What does Black History Month mean to you? Black History Month holds profound significance for me as a time to honor and celebrate the invaluable contributions, resilience, and achievements of black individuals throughout our history.
Meet Quillan
Employee Spotlights

Meet Quillan

What does black history month mean to you? It’s a time to remember the black people before me that paid the price for me as a black man to try anything my heart desires.
Meet Miranda
Employee Spotlights

Meet Miranda

Why do you think it is important to celebrate Women's History Month? I believe it's important to celebrate the accomplishments of women in history and to focus on the work that still needs to be done.
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